How Would You Open a Business Bank Account


One of the reasons that some business owners do not have a business bank account is because they do not know how to open business bank account. It is not uncommon for small business owners to go for years without ever needing a business account and, therefore, have no idea how to go about. There are several advantages to opening a separate business account such as being able to track spending and making tax reporting easier. It is not difficult to open your own account. Once you have a bank account for your business, you can then enjoy the benefits the account has to offer.

The first thing you need to do to open business bank account is get a business certificate. This is usually done through the licensing department of your local county government. If you call your business something other than your name, then you will need a DBA certificate which indicates that you are doing business as another name. Even if your business is called Bob Smiths Landscaping, it is still a good idea to get a DBA. When your company name is different than your business name, it helps your business to sound more legitimate and helps people to see that your business is its own entity.

Once you have your business officially registered and the piece of paper to prove it, then you can head over to the bank to open business bank account. But before you do that, you should spend time talking to different banks to get the best deal. Each bank has its own different way of administering business accounts. A business account will traditionally come with several more features than a personal account such as customized statements. Business accounts will also come with a schedule of fees that will differ from bank to bank. Take the time to find the bank that gives you the best possible deal before you decide on an institution to go with.

Spend some time becoming familiar with the features of your account once you open business bank account. As you get used to how the account works, you will begin to see all of the benefits it has to offer. After a while, you will wonder how you ever ran your business without a separate bank account.

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